Watching Meanwhile... (Part 3)
I left off quite abruptly last time, where was I? The digital works, we selected so many that it was beginning to look like our show...
Watching Meanwhile 2
So i was interupted the first time I was writing this post so I thought I would give myself time to reflect and then try and look back...
Grayson Perry
The Beaney in Canterbury held the exhibition ‘The Vanity of Small Differences’, a fantastic exhibition of tapestry work by Grayson Perry....
Existentialist Waiting room 2
Thats it. Thats what i'm creating. An existential waiting room, in which you provide yourself a viewing platform, informed by your...
Watching Meanwhile...
Sitting here behind the desk in Strange Cargo's Folkestone premises, watching over the show that a wonderful team and myself curated, I...